
BEE SMART (Building Energy Efficiency – Survey, Monitor, Analyze, Reduce, Target).

The dwindling Oil reserves scenario, energy efficiency has taken centre stage to achieve goals covering energy security, economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Energy efficiency aka “first fuel” is taking its place as a major energy resource in the context of national and international efforts to achieve sustainability targets. In particular, the energy-savings in buildings have large untapped potential.

Energy Efficient Buildings New and Existing hence offer a huge potential to conserve energy. In a recent report engineering giant Siemens identified energy monitoring and targeting as the number one energy saving option, adding that it makes it easier to perform other than energy saving actions.

Global energy efficiency (defined as the amount of primary energy needed to produce one unit of gross domestic product GDP) is seen to be globally falling despite the northwards trend in demand, thanks to the energy efficiency policies adopted worldwide. A lot more can be done and remains explored. The energy efficiency measures lead to multiple benefits.


PROJECT : BEE (Building Energy Efficiency) S.M.A.R.T.

The New Building designs framed on green building philosophy which may target Green Rating certification e.g. LEED, GRIHA, IGBC etc. are inherently designed for energy efficiency. The Green Retrofit* for existing buildings presents a wide scope of energy efficiency measures to be implemented.

Terralive Proposes Energy Efficiency Solution for Existing Buildings via Energy Monitoring, Audit & Management, leading to Energy Conservation. The solution is a combination of products, software and services that facilitate the delivery of an unrivalled, end-to-end energy efficiency service. We call it the BEE S.M.A.R.T. approach to energy management (Survey, Monitor, Analyze, Reduce, Target) and it enables us to deliver a total solution that is tailored to specific needs.

Additional benefits of Energy Monitoring:

  • ISO 50001 Best practices
  • Fault Detection/ Predictive Maintenance
  • Demand response / Dynamic pricing
  • Active Green Building Standards
  • Comply with legislation (e.g. ECBC)
  • Make use of existing Metering assets and IoT Devices

Specific Relevance to India: In India, The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was set up after the 2001 Act was passed to deploy the policies and directives introduced under it to minimize energy consumption through various measures, including improvements in technology. End-use energy efficiency is central to these measures, as every kilowatt of energy saved in end-use will result in energy saved in generation, after accounting for auxiliary consumption and T&D losses and the Act was followed by the Electricity Act in 2003 and the establishment of the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) in 2008. The NMEEE was approved by Ministry of Power as a part of a National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) as result of India’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One of the main objectives of the Planning Commission’s Twelfth Plan (2007-2012) was to reduce the energy intensity of end-use sectors, addressed through NMEEE instruments that include Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT), Market Transformation on Energy Efficiency (MTEE), financing demand side management through the Energy Efficiency Financing platform (EEFP) and enhancing efficiencies in various end-use sectors, especially power (MOP, 2001; BEE, 2016).

*In the US Green Building Council view, any kind of upgrade at an existing building that is wholly or partially improved improve energy and environmental performance, reduce water use, and improve the comfort and quality of the space in terms of natural light, air quality, and noise—all done in a way that it is financially beneficial to the owner are termed as Green retrofit. The building and its equipment must be maintained to sustain these improvements over time.