As solutions pertaining to Green Buildings, Smart transport, Water Management, Infrastructure Development, Renewable Energy, Air Quality Management, Waste Management, Automation, Safety etc. are finding inroads in the market, TerraLive with its background experience and market research helps client address the specific requirements by bringing across turnkey consultancy solutions. Please refer the chart for various domains addressed.
A systematic approach is followed to do a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) to assess the purchase costs, operating costs and savings. For specific needs please write to us.
Note: Click on each service below to check the list

- Rain water HarvesFng
- Sewage Treatment Plants
- Solar PV / heaFng
- Solar LighFng (Buildings & Roads)
- Solid waste management
- Water conservaFon(Buildings & landscape)
- Solar Air condiFoning
- Smart Parking SoluFons
- IoT and Cloud based smart services
- LIDAR mapping of buildings / ciFes
- BIM modelling